How do I get started with Mels Media?
To get started with Mels Media, please submit your contact info under the "Book Me" button.
Is there a booking fee?
To secure your session with Mels Media, there is a NON REFUNDABLE 50% booking fee. This deposit will be applied to your services.
How does the process work when creating with Mels Media?
With Mels Media there are many different options when it comes to creating content for your business! The first step is to submit your contact information under the “Book Me” button. Once you have submitted your contact information, Mels Media will reach out within 48 hours to set up a phone call consultation where you will discuss which package will work best for you. After the package is chosen, you then can submit your booking online at Once your booking date is chosen, and payment has been received, Melanie comes to your business at your chosen day and time to record any specifics wanted to be captured on camera.
Do you provide ongoing support after the project is completed?
ALWAYS! I am here to make your life easier! You can always feel free to message me with any questions you may have or, book another session!